Muslims and Christians to hold prayers together at Edmonton’s McDougall United Church

April 15, 2022 | Edmonton – Historic downtown church hosting Friday prayers during Ramadan.
It came about as a result of a partnership between the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and one of Edmonton’s oldest churches to provide Muslims living downtown a space for prayer during the month of Ramadan.
On Good Friday, the two communities will come together for the first time to celebrate their individual faiths together.
“It’s a really beautiful thing,” Yasin Cetin, outreach and engagement adviser for MAC, told CBC’s Edmonton AM on Thursday.
“Being in a space like McDougall has been even more rewarding, just because we’re sharing space with a beautiful community — and being able to connect on days like Good Friday, I think, is extra special.”
Muslims and Christians will meet at the church at 1 p.m. and then perform their individual prayers — Christians observing Good Friday service and Muslims, the Friday prayer — in different parts of the church at 2 p.m.
Larry Derkach, a member of the congregation at McDougall United, said the partnership came together to ensure a sustainable future for the historic building.
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