MAC Announces April 13th First Day of Ramadan 1442

MISSISSAUGA, March 14th 2021

MAC Announces April 13th First Day of Ramadan 1442

Ramadan Mubarak!

The Muslim Association of Canada is pleased to announce that Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 will be the first day of Ramadan 1442 Hijri and Eid ul-Fitr will be celebrated on Thursday, May 13th, 2021, inshaAllah. MAC follows The Fiqh Council of North America which utilizes the criteria of the European Council of Fatwa and Research (ECFR).

MAC wishes our communities across Canada a blessed month of Ramadan. We pray this Ramadan brings ease and comfort to Muslims across the globe. As we continue to struggle with the challenges of COVID-19, we continue to work with provincial governments to ensure the necessary measures are in place for the safety of congregants and to seek further increase in attendance in our Mosques and centres. Our website –, will have updates on guidelines for every centre in different cities across the country.

Last year MAC provided a virtual spiritual and educational program for the month of Ramadan and we look forward to announcing our 2021 Ramadan programming for you to benefit from the comfort of your home. We will continue our efforts to bring programs to our centers safely following the guidelines and directives of public health in each respective province and city. 

“Indeed in times of difficulty there is ease “ We pray to Allah (swt) to guide us, and protect us. We are grateful for Allah’s  (swt) blessings and hope that he elevates us all and showers  your families with his gifts and blessings.   Sharaf Sharafeldin, MAC Executive Director.

اَللّهُمَّ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان

Allahumma Ballighna Ramadan

Oh Allah, let us reach the month of Ramadan.

For further information and media inquiries please contact or (905) 822-2626 ext 233.

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  1. TAHA April 12, 2021 Reply


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