MAC Stands in Solidarity with the Indigenous Community upon the Discovery by the Cowessess First Nation of 751 of unmarked graves

Mississauga – June 25 – On June 23, 2021, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) hosted a national webinar titled “Indigenous Realities & Islamic Responsibility” with Chief Stacey Laforme (from the Mississauga of the New Credit First Nation, Ontario), Brother Lewis Cardinal (from Sucker Creek Cree First Nation, Northern Alberta), and one of Canada’s respected Islamic scholars Mohammed Zahid Aboghodda.  Muslim Students’ Association student groups from 15 university campuses across the nation participated in this event as well. 

This program is part of MAC’s responsibility to find pathways to Truth & Reconciliation (TRC), and through the implementation of the recommendations of the TRC, to a pathway of reclaiming justice, inshaAllah (by the Will of Allah). 

In a verse translated from the Qur’an, “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah…” (Qur’an, 4:135). Every Muslim has a responsibility to stand in solidarity with our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters.

Unfortunately, during the event we learnt of another discovery by the Cowessess First Nation of 751 of unmarked graves found at the former Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan.  The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) have stated that “the number of unmarked graves will be the most significantly substantial to date in Canada.”

“The pain is real, the pain is there and the pain hasn’t gone away. As we heal, every Cowessess citizen has a family member in that grave site. To know there’s some unmarked, it continues the pain,” says Cowessess First Nation Chief Cadmus Delorme.

As we learn more about the depths of this horrendous genocide, our prayers are with our Indigenous brothers and sisters at this time.  We cannot fully understand the depth of this pain, but we stand with you, as our brothers and sisters in humanity.  We stand in solidarity.  To hold hands together in this path of healing and justice.  

We call on the Canadian government to actively implement the many recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that remain.  We call on the Canadian government to consider this as an atrocity that could be recognized as an act of genocide.  We call on the Canadian government to work with the Indigenous communities to quickly identify these bodies, to help these families and their communities in their journey of healing. 

For further information contact 905-822-2626  ext.233


The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is the largest Muslim organization in Canada. MAC brings a balanced, constructive and engaged understanding of Islam that aims to inspire Muslims in Canada.


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