Dr. Asma Ahmadi

Asma Ahmadi is a certified teacher and a certified principal in Ontario with over 15 years of experience working in classrooms. Asma has a PhD in Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies. Her research, in the past eight years, has been looking into Muslim students both in public and private Islamic schools. She also has worked as an instructor at Western University at the pre-service Teacher Education Program. Asma’s work has been featured in numerous media outlets such as the National Post, Ontario Principal Council Magazine and Canadian Association of Principals’ Journal. In the past five years, she has been working as an Education Consultant in Islamic Schools. She is one of the founders of IRISE, a top-notch character education program and currently working as its senior instructional designer. Asma is a mother of four and she lives in Mississauga. Her newfound interest is dabbling into an ethical and minimalist lifestyle.