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Islamophobia in France: Lessons to Preserve our Freedoms – Sh. Mahdi Tirkawi & Br. Marwan Muhammed

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MAC Scholars Summit

Islamophobie en France: Quelles Leçons pour Préserver les Libertés

الإسلاموفوبيا في فرنسا: دروس في حماية الحريات 

*Primary Language is French with English translation

This unique panel brings together the Director of the Collective Action Against Islamophobia in France with a Montreal-based interfaith dialogue leader and scholar.  They will discuss the impacts and of Islamophobia in France & Quebec.  They will address how we can understand and cope with the ramifications of Islamophobia; define ourselves amidst these turbulent times; and ground ourselves within an authentic narrative of the self.     

“Say [O Prophet], “Oh Allah! Lord over all authorities! You give authority to whoever You please and remove it from who You please; You honour whoever You please and disgrace who You please — all good is in Your Hands.  Surely You [alone] are the Most Capable of everything (Q., 3:26)

For registration, please visit www.macnet.ca/scholarsummit

Watch the lecture live at youtube.com/macchanneltv



December 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
Event Category: